The Science of Kneading Perfect Handmade Pizza Dough — A Guide By Manoosh
Making homemade pizza is an art. It requires an understanding of the ingredients for a correct combination. But, there is more to a great homemade pizza--that is, the dough! For a chewy and crispy crust, good quality flour and a technique to knead a dough are imperative. This article will help you to knead perfect pizza dough. However, feel like eating a Brighton pizza ? Order fresh and tasty pizzas from Sydney Manoosh ! What does it take to knead a perfect dough? For a flavourful dough, type of flour, mixing properties, and fermentation time are crucial. Let us look at them in brief. Flour A good dough begins with gluten-rich flour. It provides a good mixing for a soft dough. Strong flours have a gluten structure that can form a solid dough when mixed. Many traditional Italian pizza recipes recommend a flour that has ‘00’ initials and along with some all-purpose flour. You can also use strong white flour, baking flour, and plain flour for a consistent dough. Kneading...